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Command Line Interface (CLI)


This is the entry point to nomad's command line interface CLI. It uses a sub-command structure similar to the git command.




  -v, --verbose     sets log level to info
  --debug           sets log level to debug
  --log-label TEXT  Label applied to logg entries.
  --help            Show this message and exit.


  • admin: The nomad admin commands to do nasty stuff directly on the databases.
  • client: Commands that use the nomad API to do useful things
  • dev: Commands related to the nomad source code.
  • parse: Run parsing and normalizing locally.

nomad admin

The nomad admin commands to do nasty stuff directly on the databases. Remember: With great power comes great responsibility!


nomad admin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • clean: Checks consistency of files and es vs mongo and deletes orphan entries.
  • entries: Entry related commands
  • lift-embargo: Check and lift embargo of data with expired embargo period.
  • ops: Generate scripts and commands for nomad operation.
  • reset: Reset/remove all databases.
  • reset-processing: Reset all uploads and entries "stuck" in processing using level mongodb operations.
  • rewrite-doi-urls:
  • run: Run a nomad service locally (outside docker).
  • upgrade: Commands for upgrading to a newer NOMAD version
  • uploads: Upload related commands
  • users: Add, import, export users.

nomad admin clean

Checks consistency of files and es vs mongo and deletes orphan entries.


nomad admin clean [OPTIONS]


  --dry           Do not delete anything, just check.
  --skip-entries  Skip cleaning entries with missing uploads.
  --skip-fs       Skip cleaning the filesystem.
  --skip-es       Skip cleaning the es index.
  --staging-too   Also clean published entries in staging, make sure these
                  files are not due to reprocessing
  --force         Do not ask for confirmation.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

nomad admin entries

Entry related commands


nomad admin entries [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • rm: Delete selected entries from mongo and elastic
nomad admin entries rm

Delete selected entries from mongo and elastic


nomad admin entries rm [OPTIONS] [ENTRIES]...


  --skip-es     Keep the elastic index version of the data.
  --skip-mongo  Keep uploads and entries in mongo.
  --help        Show this message and exit.

nomad admin lift-embargo

Check and lift embargo of data with expired embargo period.


nomad admin lift-embargo [OPTIONS]


  --dry               Do not lift the embargo, just show what needs to be
  --parallel INTEGER  Use the given amount of parallel processes. Default is
  --help              Show this message and exit.

nomad admin ops

Generate scripts and commands for nomad operation.


nomad admin ops [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • dump: Dump the mongo db.
  • nginx-conf: Generate an nginx.conf to serve the GUI and proxy pass to API container.
  • prototypes-update: Updates the AFLOW prototype information using the latest online version and writes the results to a python module in the given FILEPATH.
  • restore: Restore the mongo db.
  • springer-update: Updates the springer database in nomad.config.normalize.springer_db_path.
nomad admin ops dump

Dump the mongo db.


nomad admin ops dump [OPTIONS]


  --restore  Do not dump, but restore.
  --help     Show this message and exit.
nomad admin ops nginx-conf

Generate an nginx.conf to serve the GUI and proxy pass to API container.


nomad admin ops nginx-conf [OPTIONS]


  --prefix TEXT           Alter the url path prefix.
  --host TEXT             Alter the NOMAD app host.
  --port TEXT             Alter the NOMAD port host.
  --server / --no-server  Control writing of the outer server {} block. Useful
                          when conf file is included within another
  --help                  Show this message and exit.
nomad admin ops prototypes-update

Updates the AFLOW prototype information using the latest online version and writes the results to a python module in the given FILEPATH.


nomad admin ops prototypes-update [OPTIONS] FILEPATH


  --matches-only  Only update the match information that depends on the
                  symmetry analysis settings. Will not perform an online
  --help          Show this message and exit.
nomad admin ops restore

Restore the mongo db.


nomad admin ops restore [OPTIONS] PATH_TO_DUMP


  --help  Show this message and exit.
nomad admin ops springer-update

Updates the springer database in nomad.config.normalize.springer_db_path.


nomad admin ops springer-update [OPTIONS]


  --max-n-query INTEGER  Number of unsuccessful springer request before
                         returning an error. Default is 10.
  --retry-time INTEGER   Time in seconds to retry after unsuccessful request.
                         Default is 120.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

nomad admin reset

Reset/remove all databases.


nomad admin reset [OPTIONS]


  --remove            Do not just reset all dbs, but also remove them.
  --i-am-really-sure  Must be set for the command to to anything.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

nomad admin reset-processing

Reset all uploads and entries "stuck" in processing using level mongodb operations.


nomad admin reset-processing [OPTIONS]


  --zero-complete-time  Sets the complete time to epoch zero.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

nomad admin rewrite-doi-urls

Rewrites the existing dataset URLs in existing DOI records with freshly generated dataset URLs. This is useful, if the URL layout has changed.


nomad admin rewrite-doi-urls [OPTIONS] [DOIS]...


  --dry                         Just test if DOI exists and print is current
  --save-existing-records TEXT  A filename to store the existing DOI records
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

nomad admin run

Run a nomad service locally (outside docker).


nomad admin run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • app: Run the nomad development app with all apis.
  • appworker: Run both app and worker.
  • hub: Run the jupyter hub.
  • worker: Run the nomad development worker.
nomad admin run app

Run the nomad development app with all apis.


nomad admin run app [OPTIONS]


  --with-gui         The app will configure the gui for production and service
  --host TEXT        Passed as host parameter.
  --port INTEGER     Passed as port parameter.
  --log-config TEXT  Passed as log-config parameter.
  --gunicorn         Run app with gunicorn instead of uvicorn.
  --workers INTEGER  Passed to uvicorn workers parameter.
  --help             Show this message and exit.
nomad admin run appworker

Run both app and worker.


nomad admin run appworker [OPTIONS]


  --app-host TEXT     Passed as app host parameter.
  --app-port INTEGER  Passed as app port parameter.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
nomad admin run hub

Run the jupyter hub.


nomad admin run hub [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.
nomad admin run worker

Run the nomad development worker.


nomad admin run worker [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad admin upgrade

Commands for upgrading to a newer NOMAD version


nomad admin upgrade [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • migrate-mongo: Converts (upgrades) records from one mongodb and migrates to another.
nomad admin upgrade migrate-mongo

Converts (upgrades) records from one mongodb and migrates to another. Note, it is strongly recommended to run this command with loglevel verbose, i.e.

nomad -v upgrade migrate-mongo ...


nomad admin upgrade migrate-mongo [OPTIONS]


  --host TEXT                     The mongodb host. By default same as the
                                  configured db.
  --port INTEGER                  The mongodb port. By default same as the
                                  configured db.
  --src-db-name TEXT              The name of the source database.  [required]
  --dst-db-name TEXT              The name of the destination database. By
                                  default same as the configured db.
  --upload-query TEXT             An mongo upload query. All uploads matching
                                  the query will be included in the migration.
  --entry-query TEXT              An mongo entry query. All uploads with an
                                  entry matching the query will be included in
                                  the migration.
  --ids-from-file TEXT            Reads upload IDs from the specified file.
                                  Cannot be used together with the --upload-
                                  query or --entry-query options. This can for
                                  example be used to retry just the uploads
                                  that has previously failed (as these ids can
                                  be exported to file using --failed-ids-to-
                                  file). You can specify both --ids-from-file
                                  and --failed-ids-to-file at the same time
                                  with the same file name.
  --failed-ids-to-file TEXT       Write the IDs of failed and skipped uploads
                                  to the specified file. This can for example
                                  be used to subsequently retry just the
                                  uploads that failed (as these ids can be
                                  loaded from file using --ids-from-file). You
                                  can specify both --ids-from-file and
                                  --failed-ids-to-file at the same time with
                                  the same file name.
  --upload-update TEXT            json with updates to apply to all converted
  --entry-update TEXT             json with updates to apply to all converted
  --overwrite [always|if-newer|never]
                                  If an upload already exists in the
                                  destination db, this option determines
                                  whether it and its child records should be
                                  overwritten with the data from the source
                                  db. Possible values are "always", "if-
                                  newer", "never". Selecting "always" always
                                  overwrites, "never" never overwrites, and
                                  "if-newer" overwrites if the upload either
                                  doesn't exist in the destination, or it
                                  exists but its complete_time (i.e. last time
                                  it was processed) is older than in the
                                  source db.
  --fix-problems                  If a minor, fixable problem is encountered,
                                  fixes it automaticall; otherwise fail.
  --dry                           Dry run (not writing anything to the
                                  destination database).
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

nomad admin uploads

Upload related commands


nomad admin uploads [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --uploads-mongo-query TEXT      A query
  --entries-mongo-query TEXT      A query
  --entries-es-query TEXT         A query
  --unpublished                   Select only uploads in staging
  --published                     Select only uploads that are publised
  --outdated                      Select published uploads with older nomad
  --processing                    Select only processing uploads
  --processing-failure-uploads    Select uploads with failed processing
  --processing-failure-entries    Select uploads with entries with failed
  --processing-failure            Select uploads where the upload or any entry
                                  has failed processing
                                  Select uploads that have not yet been
                                  Select uploads where any entry has net yot
                                  been processed
  --processing-incomplete         Select uploads where the upload or any entry
                                  has not yet been processed
  --processing-necessary          Select uploads where the upload or any entry
                                  has either not been processed or processing
                                  has failed in the past
  --unindexed                     Select uploads that have no entries in the
                                  elastic search index.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


  • chown: Change the owner of the upload and all its entries.
  • convert-archive: Convert selected uploads to the new format.
  • export: List selected uploads
  • export-bundle: Export one or more uploads as bundles.
  • import-bundle: Import one or more uploads from bundles. Unless specified by the user,
  • index: (Re-)index all entries of the given uploads.
  • integrity: Check certain integrity criteria and return a list of upload IDs.
  • ls: List selected uploads
  • process: Reprocess selected uploads.
  • publish: Publish selected uploads.
  • re-pack: Repack selected uploads.
  • reset: Reset the processing state.
  • rm: Delete selected upload
  • stop: Attempt to abort the processing of uploads.
nomad admin uploads chown

Change the owner of the upload and all its entries.


nomad admin uploads chown [OPTIONS] USERNAME [UPLOADS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads convert-archive

Convert selected uploads to the new format.


nomad admin uploads convert-archive [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  -o, --overwrite         Overwrite existing target files.
  -d, --delete-old        Delete old archives once successfully converted.
  --migrate               Only convert v1 archive files to v1.2 archive files.
  --force-repack          Force repacking existing archives that are already
                          in the new format
  -p, --parallel INTEGER  Number of processes to use for conversion. Default
                          is os.cpu_count().
  --help                  Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads export

List selected uploads


nomad admin uploads export [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --required TEXT    The required in JSON format
  -o, --output TEXT  The file to write data to
  --help             Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads export-bundle

Export one or more uploads as bundles.


nomad admin uploads export-bundle [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --out-dir TEXT       Output folder. Default value is "./bundles" (defined in
  --uncompressed       Specify to export each bundle as an uncompressed
                       folder, instead of a zip-file.
  --overwrite          Specify to, for each bundle, overwrite the destination
                       file/folder if it already exists.
  -s, --settings TEXT  The export settings, specified as json. Settings not
                       specified in the dictionary will be set to the default
  -i, --ignore-errors  Specify to ignore errors on individual uploads, and
                       continue exporting (the default behaviour is to abort
                       on first failing upload).
  --help               Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads import-bundle

Import one or more uploads from bundles. Unless specified by the user, the configured default import settings are used.


nomad admin uploads import-bundle [OPTIONS]


  --in TEXT                     The input path, specifying a bundle or a
                                folder containing multiple bundles.
  -m, --multi                   Specify this flag if the input_path is a
                                folder containing multiple bundles, and all
                                these should be imported. If this option is
                                specified without specifying --in, we will
                                default the input path to ./bundles
  -s, --settings TEXT           The import settings, specified as json.
                                Settings not specified in the dictionary will
                                be set to the default values.
  -e, --embargo_length INTEGER  The embargo length (0-36 months). 0 means no
                                embargo. If unspecified, the embargo period
                                defined in the bundle will be used.
  -c, --use-celery              If specified, uses celery and the worker pool
                                to do the main part of the import. NOTE: this
                                requires that the workers can access the
                                bundle via the exact same path.
  -i, --ignore-errors           Specify this flag to ignore errors on
                                individual bundles, and continue importing
                                (the default behaviour is to abort on first
                                failing bundle).
  --help                        Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads index

(Re-)index all entries of the given uploads.


nomad admin uploads index [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --parallel INTEGER        Use the given amount of parallel processes.
                            Default is 1.
  --transformer TEXT        Qualified name to a Python function that should be
                            applied to each EntryMetadata.
  --skip-materials          Only update the entries index.
  --print-progress INTEGER  Prints a dot every given seconds. Can be used to
                            keep terminal open that have an i/o-based timeout.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads integrity

Check certain integrity criteria and return a list of upload IDs.


nomad admin uploads integrity [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --both-storages           Select uploads that have both staging and public
  --missing-storage         Select uploads of which the corresponding raw
                            folder (for staging) or the raw zip archive (for
                            public) is missing in the file system. This only
                            checks the existence of folder/archive uploaded by
                            user. To check the contents, use the --missing-
                            raw-files flag.
  --missing-raw-files       Select uploads that any of the files listed in
                            metadata/files is missing. Use --check-all-entries
                            to check files for all entries in the upload. It
                            uses the indexed ES data and does not open the
                            msgpack archive files.
  --missing-archive-files   Select uploads that miss archive (msgpack) files.
  --missing-index           Select uploads of which the ES index information
                            is missing.
  --entry-mismatch          Select uploads that have different numbers of
                            entries in mongo and ES.
  --nomad-version-mismatch  Select uploads that have different nomad versions
                            in archive and ES.
  --old-archive-format      Select uploads that are using the old archive
                            format (v1).
  --not-preferred-suffix    Select uploads that are using the preferred
                            (first) suffix in the configuration.
  --check-all-entries       Check all entries in the upload, otherwise only
                            check one entry per upload.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads ls

List selected uploads


nomad admin uploads ls [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  -e, --entries   Include details about upload entries in the output.
  --ids           Only include the upload ids in the output.
  --json          Output a JSON array instead of a tabulated list.
  --size INTEGER  Controls the maximum size of returned uploads, use -1 to
                  return all.
  --help          Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads process

Reprocess selected uploads.


nomad admin uploads process [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --parallel INTEGER        Use the given amount of parallel processes.
                            Default is 1.
  --process-running         Also reprocess already running processes.
  --setting TEXT            key=value to overwrite a default reprocess config
  --print-progress INTEGER  Prints a dot every given seconds. Can be used to
                            keep terminal open that have an i/o-based timeout.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads publish

Publish selected uploads.


nomad admin uploads publish [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --parallel INTEGER        Use the given amount of parallel processes.
                            Default is 1.
  --embargo-length INTEGER  Use an embargo length (months) for the
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads re-pack

Repack selected uploads.


nomad admin uploads re-pack [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads reset

Reset the processing state.


nomad admin uploads reset [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --with-entries  Also reset all entries.
  --success       Set the process status to success instead of pending
  --failure       Set the process status to failure instead of pending.
  --help          Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads rm

Delete selected upload


nomad admin uploads rm [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --skip-es     Keep the elastic index version of the data.
  --skip-mongo  Keep uploads and entries in mongo.
  --skip-files  Keep all related files.
  --help        Show this message and exit.
nomad admin uploads stop

Attempt to abort the processing of uploads.


nomad admin uploads stop [OPTIONS] [UPLOADS]...


  --entries    Only stop entries processing.
  --kill       Use the kill signal and force task failure.
  --no-celery  Do not attempt to stop the actual celery tasks
  --help       Show this message and exit.

nomad admin users

Add, import, export users.


nomad admin users [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • import: Import users to keycloak from a JSON file.
nomad admin users import

Import users to keycloak from a JSON file.


nomad admin users import [OPTIONS] PATH_TO_USERS_FILE


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad client

Commands that use the nomad API to do useful things


nomad client [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -n, --url TEXT       The URL where nomad is running, default is
  -u, --user TEXT      the user name to login, default is no login.
  -w, --password TEXT  the password used to login.
  --token-via-api      retrieve the access token from the api not keycloak.
  --no-ssl-verify      disables SSL verificaton when talking to nomad.
  --help               Show this message and exit.


  • datatests: Metainfo compatibility tests against data in a NOMAD installation.
  • integrationtests: Runs a few example operations as a test.
  • local: Run processing locally.
  • synchdb: Synchronizes the NOMAD database with the given external database.
  • upload: Upload files to nomad. The given path can be a single file or a directory. For file(s) that are not .zip or .tar files, a temporary .zip file will be created and uploaded.

nomad client datatests

Metainfo compatibility tests against data in a NOMAD installation.


nomad client datatests [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad client integrationtests

Runs a few example operations as a test.


nomad client integrationtests [OPTIONS]


  --skip-parsers  Skip extensive upload and parser tests.
  --skip-publish  Skip publish the upload. Should not be done on an production
  --skip-doi      Skip assigning a doi to a dataset.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

nomad client local

Run processing locally.


nomad client local [OPTIONS] ENTRY_ID


  --override          Override existing local entry data.
  --show-archive      Print the archive data.
  --show-metadata     Print the extracted repo metadata.
  --skip-normalizers  Do not normalize.
  --not-strict        Also match artificial parsers.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

nomad client synchdb

Synchronizes the NOMAD database with the given external database.


nomad client synchdb [OPTIONS] DB_NAME ROOT_URL


  --outfile TEXT      File to read/write files missing in NOMAD database
  --nomadfile TEXT    File to read/write files in NOMAD database
  --dbfile TEXT       File to read/write files in given database
  --local_path TEXT   Directory to which the files will be downloaded
  --parallel INTEGER  Number of processes to spawn to download/upload files
  --do-download       Flag to automatically download downloaded files
  --do-upload         Flag to automatically upload downloaded files
  --do-publish        Flag to automatically publish upload
  --cleanup           Flag to clean up downloaded files
  --help              Show this message and exit.

nomad client upload

Upload files to nomad. The given path can be a single file or a directory. For file(s) that are not .zip or .tar files, a temporary .zip file will be created and uploaded.


nomad client upload [OPTIONS] PATH...


  --upload-name TEXT    Optional name for the upload of a single file. Will be
                        ignored on directories.
  --local-path          Upload files "offline": files will not be uploaded,
                        but processed were they are. Only works when run on
                        the nomad host.
  --publish             Automatically move upload out of the staging area
                        after successful processing
  --ignore-path-prefix  Ignores common path prefixes when creating an upload.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

nomad dev

Commands related to the nomad source code.


nomad dev [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • example-data: Adds a few pieces of data to NOMAD.
  • example-upload-metadata: Generates a JSON file from example-uploads metadata in the YAML file.
  • gui-artifacts: Generates all python-based GUI artifacts into javascript code.
  • gui-config: Generates the GUI development config JS file based on NOMAD config.
  • gui-env: Generates the GUI development .env file based on NOMAD config.
  • gui-qa: Runs tests and linting of the nomad gui source code. Useful before committing code.
  • metainfo: Generates a JSON with all metainfo.
  • parser-metadata: Generates a JSON file that compiles all the parser metadata from each parser project.
  • qa: Runs tests and linting of the nomad python source code. Useful before committing code.
  • search-quantities: Generates a JSON with all search quantities.
  • toolkit-metadata: Generate toolkit tutorial metadata from analytics submodules.
  • update-parser-readmes: Updates parsers README files by combining a general template with a parsers metadata YAML file.

nomad dev example-data

Adds a few pieces of data to NOMAD.


nomad dev example-data [OPTIONS]


  -u, --username TEXT  The main author username.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

nomad dev example-upload-metadata

Generates a JSON file from example-uploads metadata in the YAML file.


nomad dev example-upload-metadata [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev gui-artifacts

Generates all python-based GUI artifacts into javascript code.


nomad dev gui-artifacts [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev gui-config

Generates the GUI development config JS file based on NOMAD config.


nomad dev gui-config [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev gui-env

Generates the GUI development .env file based on NOMAD config.


nomad dev gui-env [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev gui-qa

Runs tests and linting of the nomad gui source code. Useful before committing code.


nomad dev gui-qa [OPTIONS]


  --skip-tests  Do no tests, just do code checks.
  --help        Show this message and exit.

nomad dev metainfo

Generates a JSON with all metainfo.


nomad dev metainfo [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev parser-metadata

Generates a JSON file that compiles all the parser metadata from each parser project.


nomad dev parser-metadata [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev qa

Runs tests and linting of the nomad python source code. Useful before committing code.


nomad dev qa [OPTIONS]


  --skip-tests     Do no tests, just do code checks.
  -x, --exitfirst  Stop testing after first failed test case.
  --help           Show this message and exit.

nomad dev search-quantities

Generates a JSON with all search quantities.


nomad dev search-quantities [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev toolkit-metadata

Generate toolkit tutorial metadata from analytics submodules.


nomad dev toolkit-metadata [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

nomad dev update-parser-readmes

Updates parsers README files by combining a general template with a parsers metadata YAML file.


nomad dev update-parser-readmes [OPTIONS]


  --parser TEXT  Only updated the README of the given parsers subdirctory.
  --help         Show this message and exit.

nomad parse

Run parsing and normalizing locally.


nomad parse [OPTIONS] MAINFILE


  --show-archive       Print the archive data.
  --archive-with-meta  If the archvie is printed, it would include metadata
                       like m_def and m_annotations.
  --show-metadata      Print the extracted repo metadata.
  --skip-normalizers   Do not run the normalizer.
  --not-strict         Do also match artificial parsers.
  --parser TEXT        Skip matching and use the provided parser (format:
                       `parsers/<name>`). Additional selection rules still
                       apply for parsers with multiple main files.
  --server-context     Whether to use server context.
  --username TEXT      Username for authentication.
  --password TEXT      Password for authentication.
  --help               Show this message and exit.