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How to install plugins

Plugins allow you to add Python-based functionality to NOMAD without a custom build NOMAD image or release. Plugins can be installed at NOMAD start-up time. Therefore, you can configure each NOMAD (Oasis) with a different custom set of plugins or disable unnecessary plugins.

We support different kinds of plugins:

  • Python schema
  • parser
  • normalizer
  • additional custom APIs (coming soon...)

Develop a plugin

We provide template projects on GitHub. You can fork these projects and follow the instructions in their These instructions will give you everything you need to run and test your plugin as a plugin developer.

The following sections explain how to add plugins to a NOMAD installation.
Dedicated Explanation sections provide more background information on what is a schema and what is a parser

Plugin anatomy

A plugin usually consist of the plugin code (a Python package) and plugin metadata. The installation independent plugin metadata (e.g. name, description, python package, etc.) can be defined in a nomad_plugin.yaml that is part of the plugin code. The installation dependent plugin metadata (e.g. plugin key, order and priority, parser matching rules, etc.) is added to the nomad.yaml file of the NOMAD installation.

Here is the project layout of the schema example:

├── nomadschemaexample
│   ├──
│   ├── nomad_plugin.yaml
│   └──
├── tests
│   ├── data
│   │   └── test.archive.yaml
│   └──
├── nomad.yaml
└── requirements.txt

Plugin code

Code Quality and Linting

While developing NOMAD plugins, we highly recommend using a Python linter, such as Ruff to analyze and enforce coding standards in your plugin projects. This also ensures smoother integration and collaboration. Ruff is also included in the templates provided on Github.

Feel free to customize the rules based on your preferences for linting.

The directory nomadschemaexample is our Python package plugin code. In this case, it contains a simple Read the Schema plugin documentation for more details:

from nomad.metainfo import Quantity, Package
from import EntryData
from nomad.datamodel.metainfo.annotations import ELNAnnotation, ELNComponentEnum

m_package = Package()

class ExampleSection(EntryData):
    name = Quantity(
    message = Quantity(type=str)

    def normalize(self, archive, logger):
        super(ExampleSection, self).normalize(archive, logger)'ExampleSection.normalize called')

        self.message = f'Hello {}!'


Plugin metadata

The file nomad_plugin.yaml contains the installation independent plugin metadata:

plugin_type: schema
name: NOMAD's example schema plugin
description: |
  This is a simple hello world schema. This is meant as a template.
  Fork the github project to create your own schemas.

The metadata contains the plugin_type (e.g. schema or parser). The rest of the yaml will depend on the type and the underlying metadata model. For schemas there are only descriptive metadata like name or description as schemas do not contain any technical metadata that is necessary to use them. See below for a reference of the plugin metadata models.

The file nomad.yaml shows how to add the plugin to a nomad installation. As a plugin developer you have installed our Python package and can run the nomad parse command as your "installation" to try your schema:

      - MetainfoNormalizer
  # We only include our schema here. Without the explicit include, all plugins will be
  # loaded. Many build in plugins require more dependencies. Install nomad-lab[parsing]
  # to make all default plugins work.
  include: 'schemas/example'
      python_package: nomadschemaexample

Plugins are defined under the plugins key. This consists of include (or exclude) to select a subset of all plugins defined under options. The options given in the nomad.yaml will be merged with all the default "plugins" that come with NOMAD (mostly the NOMAD parsers at the moment).

In this example, we disable all default plugins by just including our schemas/example. The options field can be used to add define the code and installation independent metadata via the python_package key. But you can overwrite or add more metadata keys here as well: each options entry with python_package will be merged with the data in the package's nomad_plugin.yaml.

Please note that python_package is the name of a Python package and not a path to the code. This also means that the package has to be in your PYTHONPATH (see below).

Now follow the instructions for one of our examples and try for yourself:

Publish a plugin


The processes around publishing plugins and using plugins of others are still worked on. The "best" practices mentioned here are preliminary.

Create a (GitHub) project

If you forked from our examples, you already have a GitHub project. Otherwise, you should create one. This allows others to get your plugin sources or initiate communication via issues or pull requests.

These are good names for plugin projects, depending on if you maintain one or more plugins in a project (a project can contain multiple modules with multiple nomad-plugin.yaml files and therefore multiple plugins):

  • nomad-<yourname>-plugin
  • nomad-<yourname>-plugins


If you develop a plugin in the context of FAIRmat or the NOMAD CoE, put your plugin projects in the respective GitHub organization for FAIRmat and the NOMAD CoE. Here, the naming convention above is binding.

Your plugin projects should follow the layout of our example projects.

Different forms of plugin distribution

  • source code: Mounting plugin code into a NOMAD (Oasis) installation. This is described above and only the plugin source code is needed.
  • built-in: Plugins that are directly maintained by NOMAD as distributed as part of the NOMAD docker images. The Python code for those plugins is already installed, you only need to configure NOMAD to use the plugins (or not).
  • PyPI/pip package: Plugin projects can be published as PyPI/pip packages. Those packages can then be installed either during NOMAD start-up (not implemented yet) or when building a customized docker images (see below).

Independent of the form of distribution, you'll still need to add the plugin to your configuration as explained above.

PyPI/pip package

Learn from the PyPI documentation how to create a package for PyPI. We recommend to use the pyproject.toml-based approach. Here is an example pyproject.toml file:

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = 'nomad-schema-plugin-example'
version = '1.0'
description = 'An example schema plugin for NOMAD.'
readme = ""
authors = [{ name = "The NOMAD Authors" }]
license = { text = "Apache-2.0" }
dependencies = [

homepage = ""

tests = [

include = ["nomadschemaexample*"]

nomadschemaexample = ['*/nomad_plugin.yaml']

The package can be build like this:

pip install build
python -m build --sdist

Learn from the PyPI documentation how to publish a package to PyPI. If you have access to the MPCDF GitLab and NOMAD's presence there, you can also use the nomad-FAIR registry:

pip install twine
twine upload \
    -u <username> -p <password> \
    --repository-url \

Register your plugin


This is work in progress. We plan to provide a plugin registry that allows you to publish your plugin's metadata. This will then be used to simplify plugin management within a NOMAD installation.

The built-in plugins can already be found in the documentation reference.

Add a plugin to your NOMAD

Adding a plugin, depends on the form of plugin distribution and how you run NOMAD. Eventually, you need to add the plugin metadata to nomad.yaml (see above) and you need to add the plugin code to the PYTHONPATH. The nomad.yaml needs to be edited manually in the usual ways. There are several ways to add plugin code.

Built-in plugins

Those are already part of the NOMAD sources or NOMAD docker images. You only need to configure them in your nomad.yaml.

Add to Python path

When you run NOMAD as a developer, simply add the plugin directory to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. When you start the application (e.g. nomad admin run appworker), Python will find your code when NOMAD imports the python_package given in the plugins.options of your nomad.yaml.

Mount into a NOMAD Oasis

The NOMAD docker image adds the folder /app/plugins to the PYTHONPATH. You simply have to add the plugin metadata to your Oasis' nomad.yaml and mount your code into the /app/plugins directory via the volumes section of the app and worker services in your docker-compose.yaml.

For example, you can do this by adding an extension to the docker-compose.yaml, e.g. a file called docker-compose.plugins.yaml. Assuming you cloned the example plugins above into the Oasis folder as ./nomad-schema-plugin-example, ./nomad-parser-plugin-example and ./nomad-normalizer-plugin-example, your docker-compose.plugins.yaml should look like this:

      - ./nomad-schema-plugin-example/nomadschemaexample:/app/plugins/nomadschemaexample
      - ./nomad-parser-plugin-example/nomadparserexample:/app/plugins/nomadparserexample
      - ./nomad-normalizer-plugin-example/nomadparserexample:/app/plugins/nomadparserexample
      - ./nomad-schema-plugin-example/nomadschemaexample:/app/plugins/nomadschemaexample
      - ./nomad-parser-plugin-example/nomadparserexample:/app/plugins/nomadparserexample
      - ./nomad-normalizer-plugin-example/nomadparserexample:/app/plugins/nomadparserexample

You have to tell docker that there are now two compose files. This can be done via the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable. This is how you can start the Oasis with the plugins:

export COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml:docker-compose.plugins.yaml
docker compose up -d

Here is a complete Oasis setup Simply download, extract, and start like any other Oasis:

cd nomad-oasis-with-plugins
sudo chown -R 1000 .volumes
sudo chown -R 1000 nomad-schema-plugin-example
sudo chown -R 1000 nomad-parser-plugin-example
sudo chown -R 1000 nomad-normalizer-plugin-example
export COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yaml:docker-compose.plugins.yaml
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d
curl localhost/nomad-oasis/alive


It is important to set up the correct user rights for your volumes and plugins. Our default docker-compose setup uses the user 1000 in group 1000 to run the services, this is the reason for the chown commands above that ensure that the processes have access to the data stored in volumes and in the plugins. If you use another user/group to run the docker services, update the commands accordingly.

Read the Oasis install guide for more details.

Install PyPI/pip package

If the plugin is published on PyPI, you can simply install it with pip. If the plugin was published to our MPCDF GitLab registry, you have to use the --index-url parameter:

pip install nomad-example-schema-plugin --index-url

Installing via pip works for NOMAD developers, but how to pip install into an Oasis? The package could either be installed when NOMAD is started or via a customized docker image.


We still need to implement that configured plugins, if not already installed, get automatically installed during NOMAD start.

You can build a custom NOMAD docker image that has your packages already installed. Here is an example Dockerfile:


RUN pip install build

    nomadschemaexample \
    tests \ \
    pyproject.toml \

RUN python -m build --sdist

RUN pip install dist/nomad-schema-plugin-example-*.tar.gz

The image can be build like this:

docker build -t nomad-with-plugins .