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How to write an app

Apps provide customized views of data in the GUI, making it easier for the users to navigate and understand the data related to a specific domain. This typically means that certain domain-specific properties are highlighted, different units may be used for physical properties, and specialized dashboards may be presented. This becomes crucial for NOMAD installations to be able to scale with data that contains a mixture of experiments and simulations, different techniques, and physical properties spanning different time and length scales.

Apps only affect the way data is displayed for the user: if you wish to affect the underlying data structure, you will need to write a Python schema package or a YAML schema package.

This documentation shows you how to write an plugin entry point for an app. You should read the documentation on getting started with plugins to have a basic understanding of how plugins and plugin entry points work in the NOMAD ecosystem.

Getting started

You can use our template repository to create an initial structure for a plugin containing an app. The relevant part of the repository layout will look something like this:

   ├── src
   │   ├── nomad_example
   │   │   ├── apps
   │   │   │   ├──
   ├── LICENSE.txt
   └── pyproject.toml

See the documentation on plugin development guidelines for more details on the best development practices for plugins, including linting, testing and documenting.

App entry point

The entry point defines basic information about your app and is used to automatically load the app into a NOMAD distribution. It is an instance of an AppEntryPoint and unlike many other plugin entry points, it does not have a separate resource that needs to be lazy-loaded as the entire app is defined in the configuration as an instance of nomad.config.models.ui.App. You will learn more about the App class in the next sections. The entry point should be defined in */apps/ like this:

from nomad.config.models.plugins import AppEntryPoint

myapp = MyAppEntryPoint(
    name = 'MyApp',
    description = 'My custom app.',
    app = App(...)

Here we have instantiated an object myapp in which you specify the default parameterization and other details about the app. In the reference you can see all of the available configuration options for an AppEntryPoint.

The entry point instance should then be added to the [project.entry-points.'nomad.plugin'] table in pyproject.toml in order for the app to be automatically detected:

myapp = "nomad_example.apps:myapp"

App class

The definition fo the actual app is given as an instance of the App class specified as part of the entry point. A full breakdown of the model is given below in the app reference, but here is a small example:

from nomad.config.models.plugins import AppEntryPoint
from nomad.config.models.ui import App, Column, Columns, FilterMenu, FilterMenus, Filters

myapp = AppEntryPoint(
    description='App defined using the new plugin mechanism.',
    app = App(
        # Label of the App
        label='My App',
        # Path used in the URL, must be unique
        # Used to categorize apps in the explore menu
        # Brief description used in the app menu
        description='An app customized for me.',
        # Longer description that can also use markdown
        readme='Here is a much longer description of this app.',
        # Controls the available search filters. If you want to filter by
        # quantities in a schema package, you need to load the schema package
        # explicitly here. Note that you can use a glob syntax to load the
        # entire package, or just a single schema from a package.
        # Controls which columns are shown in the results table
                'entry_id': Column(),
                'upload_create_time': Column(),
                'data.mysection.myquantity#nomad_example.schema_packages.mypackage.MySchema': Column(),
        # Dictionary of search filters that are always enabled for queries made
        # within this app. This is especially important to narrow down the
        # results to the wanted subset. Any available search filter can be
        # targeted here. This example makes sure that only entries that use
        # MySchema are included.
            "section_defs.definition_qualified_name:all": [
        # Controls the filter menus shown on the left
                'material': FilterMenu(label="Material"),
        # Controls the default dashboard shown in the search interface
            'widgets': [
                    'type': 'histogram',
                    'showinput': False,
                    'autorange': True,
                    'nbins': 30,
                    'scale': 'linear',
                    'quantity': 'data.mysection.myquantity#nomad_example.schema_packages.mypackage.MySchema',
                    'layout': {
                        'lg': {
                            'minH': 3,
                            'minW': 3,
                            'h': 4,
                            'w': 12,
                            'y': 0,
                            'x': 0


If you want to load an app definition from a YAML file, this can be easily done with the pydantic parse_obj function:

    import yaml
    from nomad.config.models.plugins import AppEntryPoint
    from nomad.config.models.ui import App

    yaml_data = """
        label: My App
        path: myapp
        category: Theory
    myapp = AppEntryPoint(
        description='App defined using the new plugin mechanism.',

Loading custom quantity definitions into an app

By default, none of the quantities from custom schemas are available in an app, and they need to be explicitly added. Each app may define additional filters that should be enabled in it. Filters have a special meaning in the app context: filters are pieces of (meta)info that can be queried in the search interface of the app, but also targeted in the rest of the app configuration as explained below in.


Note that not all of the quantities from a custom schema can be exposed as filters. At the moment we only support targeting scalar quantities from custom schemas.

Each schema has a unique name within the NOMAD ecosystem, which is needed to target them in the configuration. The name depends on the resource in which the schema is defined in:

  • Python schemas are identified by the python path for the class that inherits from Schema. For example, if you have a python package called nomad_example, which has a subpackage called schema_packages, containing a module called, which contains the class MySchema, then the schema name will be nomad_example.schema_packages.mypackage.MySchema.
  • YAML schemas are identified by the entry id of the schema file together with the name of the section defined in the YAML schema. For example if you have uploaded a schema YAML file containing a section definition called MySchema, and it has been assigned an entry_id, the schema name will be entry_id:<entry_id>.MySchema.

The quantities from schemas may be included or excluded as filter by using the filters field in the app config. This option supports a wildcard/glob syntax for including/excluding certain filters. For example, to include all filters from the Python schema defined in the class nomad_example.schema_packages.mypackage.MySchema, you could use:


The same thing for a YAML schema could be achieved with:


Once quantities from a schema are included in an app as filters, they can be targeted in the rest of the app. The app configuration often refers to specific filters to configure parts of the user interface. For example, one could configure the results table to show a new column using one of the schema quantities with:

        'entry_id': Column(),
        'upload_create_time': Column(),
        'data.mysection.myquantity#nomad_example.schema_packages.mypackage.MySchema': Column(),

The syntax for targeting quantities depends on the resource:

  • For python schemas, you need to provide the path and the python schema name separated by a hashtag (#), for example data.mysection.myquantity#nomad_example.schema_packages.mypackage.MySchema.
  • For YAML schemas, you need to provide the path and the YAML schema name separated by a hashtag (#), for example data.mysection.myquantity#entry_id:<entry_id>.MySchema.
  • Quantities that are common for all NOMAD entries can be targeted by using only the path without the need for specifying a schema, e.g. results.material.symmetry.space_group.

App reference


Defines the layout and functionality for an App.

name type
label str Name of the App.
path str Path used in the browser address bar.
resource str Targeted resource.
default: entries
- entries
- materials
breadcrumb str Name displayed in the breadcrumb, by default the label will be used.
category str Category used to organize Apps in the explore menu.
description str Short description of the App.
readme str Longer description of the App that can also use markdown.
pagination Pagination Default result pagination.
default: Complex object, default value not displayed.
columns Columns Controls the columns shown in the results table.
rows Rows Controls the display of entry rows in the results table.
default: Complex object, default value not displayed.
filter_menus FilterMenus Filter menus displayed on the left side of the screen.
filters Filters Controls the filters that are available in this app.
default: Complex object, default value not displayed.
dashboard Dashboard Default dashboard layout.
filters_locked dict Fixed query object that is applied for this search context. This filter will always be active for this context and will not be displayed to the user by default.
search_syntaxes SearchSyntaxes Controls which types of search syntax are available.


Controls the availability of filters in the app. Filters are pieces of (meta)info than can be queried in the search interface of the app, but also targeted in the rest of the app configuration. The include and exlude attributes can use glob syntax to target metainfo, e.g. results.* or *.#myschema.schema.MySchema.

name type
include List[str] List of included options. Supports glob/wildcard syntax.
exclude List[str] List of excluded options. Supports glob/wildcard syntax. Has higher precedence than include.


Controls the visualization of rows in the search results.

name type
actions RowActions
details RowDetails
selection RowSelection


Controls the selection of rows. If enabled, rows can be selected and additional actions performed on them.

name type
enabled int Whether to show the row selection.
default: True


Controls the visualization of row details that are shown upon pressing the row and contain basic details about the entry.

name type
enabled int Whether to show row details.
default: True


Controls the visualization of row actions that are shown at the end of each row.

name type
include List[str] List of included options. If not explicitly defined, all of the options will be included by default.
exclude List[str] List of excluded options. Has higher precedence than include.
options Dict[str, RowActionURL] All available row actions.
enabled int Whether to enable row actions.
default: True


Action that will open an external link read from the archive.

name type
description str Description of the action shown to the user.
type str Set as url to get this widget type.
default: url
path str JMESPath pointing to a path in the archive that contains the URL.


name type
order_by str Field used for sorting.
default: upload_create_time
order str Sorting order.
default: desc
page_size int Number of results on each page.
default: 20


Controls the availability of different search syntaxes. These syntaxes determine how raw user input in e.g. the search bar is parsed into queries supported by the API.

Currently you can only exclude items. By default, the following options are included:

  • existence: Used to query for the existence of a specific metainfo field in the data.
  • equality: Used to query for a specific value with exact match.
  • range_bounded: Queries values that are between two numerical limits, inclusive or exclusive.
  • range_half_bounded: Queries values that are above/below a numerical limit, inclusive or exclusive.
  • free_text: For inexact, free-text queries. Requires that a set of keywords has been filled in the entry.
name type
exclude List[str] List of excluded options.


Dashboard configuration.

name type
widgets List[Union[WidgetTerms, WidgetHistogram, WidgetScatterPlot, WidgetPeriodicTable]] List of widgets contained in the dashboard.


Terms widget configuration.

name type
title str Custom widget title. If not specified, a widget-specific default title is used.
type str Set as terms to get this widget type.
default: terms
layout Dict[str, Layout] Defines widget size and grid positioning for different breakpoints. The following breakpoints are supported: sm, md, lg, xl and xxl.
quantity str Targeted quantity.
scale str Statistics scaling.
- linear
- 1/2
- 1/4
- 1/8
showinput int Whether to show text input field.
default: True


Defines widget size and grid positioning for different breakpoints.

name type
h int Height in grid units
w int Width in grid units.
x int Horizontal start location in the grid.
y int Vertical start location in the grid.
minH int Minimum height in grid units.
default: 3
minW int Minimum width in grid units.
default: 3


Periodic table widget configuration.

name type
title str Custom widget title. If not specified, a widget-specific default title is used.
type str Set as periodictable to get this widget type.
default: periodictable
layout Dict[str, Layout] Defines widget size and grid positioning for different breakpoints. The following breakpoints are supported: sm, md, lg, xl and xxl.
quantity str Targeted quantity.
scale str Statistics scaling.
- linear
- 1/2
- 1/4
- 1/8


Scatter plot widget configuration.

name type
title str Custom widget title. If not specified, a widget-specific default title is used.
type str Set as scatterplot to get this widget type.
default: scatterplot
layout Dict[str, Layout] Defines widget size and grid positioning for different breakpoints. The following breakpoints are supported: sm, md, lg, xl and xxl.
x Union[Axis, str] Configures the information source and display options for the x-axis.
y Union[Axis, str] Configures the information source and display options for the y-axis.
markers Markers Configures the information source and display options for the markers.
color str Quantity used for coloring points. Note that this field is deprecated and markers should be used instead.
size int Maximum number of entries to fetch. Notice that the actual number may be more of less, depending on how many entries exist and how many of the requested values each entry contains.
default: 1000
autorange int Whether to automatically set the range according to the data limits.
default: True


Configuration for plot markers.

name type
color Axis Configures the information source and display options for the marker colors.


Configuration for a plot axis.

name type
title str Custom title to show for the axis.
unit str Custom unit used for displaying the values.
quantity str Path of the targeted quantity. Note that you can most of the features JMESPath syntax here to further specify a selection of values. This becomes especially useful when dealing with repeated sections or statistical values.


Histogram widget configuration.

name type
title str Custom widget title. If not specified, a widget-specific default title is used.
type str Set as histogram to get this widget type.
default: histogram
layout Dict[str, Layout] Defines widget size and grid positioning for different breakpoints. The following breakpoints are supported: sm, md, lg, xl and xxl.
quantity str Targeted quantity. Note that this field is deprecated and x should be used instead.
x Union[Axis, str] Configures the information source and display options for the x-axis.
scale str Statistics scaling.
- linear
- 1/2
- 1/4
- 1/8
autorange int Whether to automatically set the range according to the data limits.
default: True
showinput int Whether to show input text fields for minimum and maximum value.
default: True
nbins int Maximum number of histogram bins. Notice that the actual number of bins may be smaller if there are fewer data items available.


Contains column definitions, controls their availability and specifies the default selection.

name type
include List[str] List of included options. If not explicitly defined, all of the options will be included by default.
exclude List[str] List of excluded options. Has higher precedence than include.
options Dict[str, Column] All available column options. Note here that the key must correspond to a quantity path that exists in the metadata.
selected List[str] Selected options.


Option for a column show in the search results.

name type
label str Label shown in the header. Defaults to the quantity name.
align str Alignment in the table.
default: AlignEnum.LEFT
- left
- right
- center
unit str Unit to convert to when displaying. If not given will be displayed in using the default unit in the active unit system.
format Format Controls the formatting of the values.


Value formatting options.

name type
decimals int Number of decimals to show for numbers.
default: 3
mode str Display mode for numbers.
default: ModeEnum.SCIENTIFIC
- standard
- scientific
- separators
- date
- time


Contains filter menu definitions and controls their availability.

name type
include List[str] List of included options. If not explicitly defined, all of the options will be included by default.
exclude List[str] List of excluded options. Has higher precedence than include.
options Dict[str, FilterMenu] Contains the available filter menu options.


Defines the layout and functionality for a filter menu.

name type
label str Menu label to show in the UI.
level int Indentation level of the menu.
default: 0
size str Width of the menu.
default: FilterMenuSizeEnum.S
- s
- m
- l
- xl
actions FilterMenuActions


Contains filter menu action definitions and controls their availability.

name type
include List[str] List of included options. If not explicitly defined, all of the options will be included by default.
exclude List[str] List of excluded options. Has higher precedence than include.
options Dict[str, FilterMenuActionCheckbox] Contains options for filter menu actions.


Contains definition for checkbox action in the filter menu.

name type
type str Action type.
- checkbox
label str Label to show.
quantity str Targeted quantity