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How to access processed data

The ArchiveQuery allows you to search for entries and access their parsed and processed archive data at the same time. Furthermore, all data is accessible through a convenient Python interface based on the schema rather than plain JSON. See also this guide on using NOMAD's Python schemas to work with processed data.

As a requirement, you have to install the nomad-lab Python package. Follow the How to install nomad-lab guide.

Getting started

To define a query, one can, for example, write

from nomad.client.archive import ArchiveQuery

query = ArchiveQuery(query={}, required='*', page_size=10, results_max=10000)

Although the above query object has an empty query.

The query object is constructed only. To access the desired data, users need to perform two operations manually. Two interfaces that can be used in different environments are provided.

Synchronous Interface


The fetch process is carried out synchronously. Users can call the following to fetch up to results_max entries.

# number_of_entries = query.fetch(1000) # fetch 1000 entries
number_of_entries = query.fetch()  # fetch at most results_max entries

An indicative number n can be provided fetch(n) to fetch n entries at once. The fetch process may submit multiple requests to the server, each request asks for page_size entries. The number of qualified entries will be returned. Meanwhile, the qualified entry list would be populated with their IDs. To check all qualified upload IDs, one can call entry_list() method to return the full list.


If applicable, it is possible to fetch a large number of entries first and then perform a second fetch by using some entry ID in the first fetch result as the after argument so that some middle segment can be downloaded.


After fetching the qualified entries, the desired data can be downloaded asynchronously. One can call

# results = # download 1000 entries
results =  # download all fetched entries if fetched otherwise fetch and download up to `results_max` entries

to download up to results_max entries. The downloaded results are returned as a list. Alternatively, it is possible to just download a portion of previously fetched entries at a single time. For example,

# previously fetched for example 1000 entries
# but only download the first 100 (approx.) entries
results =

The same download(n) method can be called repeatedly. If there are no sufficient entries, new entries will be automatically fetched. If there are no more entries, the returned result list is empty. For example,

total_results = []
while True:
    result =
    if len(result) == 0:

There is no retry mechanism in the download process. If any entries fail to be downloaded due to server error, it is kept in the list otherwise removed.

Pandas Dataframe

You can also convert the downloaded results to pandas dataframe directly by calling entries_to_dataframe method on the query object. In order to filter the final dataframe to contain only specific keys/column_names, you can use the option keys_to_filter with a list of relevant keys. For example:

results = query.entries_to_dataframe(keys_to_filter=[])

The option from_query can be used to control the formatting of the dataframe(s). By setting this option to False, all entries with their entire contents are flattened and returned in one single (and potentially huge) dataframe, and by setting it to True, it returns a python dictionary with each key denoting a separate distinct nested path in the required and each value specifying the corresponding dataframe.

Asynchronous Interface

Some applications, such as Jupyter Notebook, may run a global/top level event loop. To query data in those environments, one can use the asynchronous interface.

number_of_entries = await query.async_fetch()  # indicative number n applies: async_fetch(n)
results = await query.async_download()  # indicative number n applies: async_download(n)

Alternatively, if one wants to use the asynchronous interface, it is necessary to patch the global event loop to allow nested loops.

To do so, one can add the following at the beginning of the notebook.

import nest_asyncio


A Complete Rundown

Here we show a valid query and acquire data from server.

We first define the desired query and construct the object. We limit the maximum number of entries to be 10000 and 10 entries per page.

from nomad.client.archive import ArchiveQuery

required = {
    'workflow': {
        'calculation_result_ref': {
            'energy': '*',
            'system_ref': {
                'chemical_composition_reduced': '*'

query = {
    'results.method.simulation.program_name': 'VASP',
    'results.material.elements': ['Ti']

query = ArchiveQuery(query=query, required=required, page_size=10, results_max=10000)

Let's fetch some entries.


If we print the entry list, it would be

[('---CU_ejqV7yjEFteUAH0rG0SKIS', 'aimE2ajMQnOKruRbQjzpCA'), ('---Dz9vL-eyErWEk7-1tX4zLVmwo', 'Vyb6k1OTRSuyXfvsRk4CPQ'), ('---pRcX7NG_XDx_4ufUaeEnZnmrO', 'IL_YBCD8TSyLlsqzIcBgYw'), ('--0RSTtl4mvX3Nd0JjhL_V1YV1ip', 'tF8R9nmZTyyfnv2zWADI0A'), ('--0SDuSOM_gpweM3PDb0WOFgYDyv', 'mLO6o1GBShWrtXfoSJHgfw'), ('--0jLz1eNRwtR_oRxPpgVC9U437y', 'HVheHWfxTpe28HhbHpcO1A'), ('--1cY4hzXaXdThxsw7saN3nd3xyt', 'h79v1yw_Qf-kOVTa0WYfdg'), ('--2nakQLLxyI_vsEOIbwzHMgWWPQ', 'iIGUoyaiT5i4b4UynPlnSQ'), ('--3-SQGOswGzwaEo5QiQNCcZQhi8', '1lQ90kNaSWyJXBQ_kK91Tg'), ('--3Km0GSVTHRkNCJHHjQdHqxwVfR', 'dHAJP-NvQw22FoBeDXiAIg')]

Each is a tuple of two strings. The first is the entry ID while the second is the upload ID.

Now data can be downloaded.

result =
print(f'Downloaded {len(result)} entries.')  # Downloaded 100 entries.

The first eight entries will be downloaded. If one prints the list again, only the last two are present.

[('--3-SQGOswGzwaEo5QiQNCcZQhi8', '1lQ90kNaSWyJXBQ_kK91Tg'), ('--3Km0GSVTHRkNCJHHjQdHqxwVfR', 'dHAJP-NvQw22FoBeDXiAIg')]

It is possible to download more data. We perform one more download call to illustrate that the fetch process will be automatically triggered.

result =
print(f'Downloaded {len(result)} entries.')  # Downloaded 200 entries.

In the above, we request five entries. However, the list contains only two entries, the fetch process will be called to fetch extra three entries from server. But since the page size is 10, the server will return 10 entries. You will see the following message in the terminal.

Fetching remote uploads...
10 entries are qualified and added to the download list.
Downloading 5 entries...  [####################################]  100%

Now that we have downloaded a few entries, we can convert them into pandas dataframe.

dataframes = query.entries_to_dataframe(keys_to_filter=['workflow2.results.calculation_result_ref'])

By setting keys_to_filter to ['workflow2.results.calculation_result_ref'], we create a dataframe representing the content that exists in the response tree under the section calculation_result_ref. Below, you can see the final dataframe printed in the Python console. You can also try setting this option to an empty list (or simply removing the option) to see the results containing the entire response tree in dataframe format. Furthermore, since we have converted our data into a pandas dataframe, we can proceed to export CSV files, obtain statistics, create plots, and more.

    energy.fermi  ...  system_ref.chemical_composition_reduced
0            NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
1            NaN  ...                                   LiO3Ti
2            NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
3            NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
4            NaN  ...                                   LiO3Ti
5            NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
6            NaN  ...                                  Cu44OTi
7  -1.602177e-18  ...                                  O51Ti26
8  -1.602177e-18  ...                                  O51Ti26
9            NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
10 -1.602177e-18  ...                                  O51Ti26
11 -1.602177e-18  ...                                  O51Ti26
12 -1.602177e-18  ...                                  O51Ti26
13           NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
14           NaN  ...                                    KO3Ti
15           NaN  ...                                    KO3Ti
16           NaN  ...                                     O3Ti
17           NaN  ...                                   AlO3Ti
18           NaN  ...                                   O3TiZn

[19 rows x 7 columns]

Argument List

The following arguments are acceptable for ArchiveQuery.

  • owner : str The scope of data to access. Default: 'visible'
  • query : dict The API query. There are no validations of any means carried out by the class, users shall make sure the provided query is valid. Otherwise, server would return error messages.
  • required : dict The required quantities.
  • url : str The database url. It can be the one of your local database. The official NOMAD database is used be default if no valid one defined. Default:
  • after : str It can be understood that the data is stored in a sequential list. Each upload has a unique ID, if after is not provided, the query always starts from the first upload. One can choose to query the uploads in the middle of storage by assigning a proper value of after.
  • results_max : int Determine how many entries to download. Note each upload may have multiple entries.
  • page_size : int Page size.
  • username : str Username for authentication.
  • password : str Password for authentication.
  • retry : int In the case of server errors, the fetch process is automatically retried every sleep_time seconds. This argument limits the maximum times of retry.
  • sleep_time : float The interval of fetch retry.

The complete example


This examples uses the new workflow2 workflow system. This is still under development and this example might not yet produce results on the public nomad data.

--8 < -- "examples/archive/"