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How to work with units

Units are a very important part of any scientific work. Units are also a common source of problems when multiple people are working with the same data. Sometimes this has far-reaching consequences as demonstrated by the Mars Climate Orbiter incident. This document explains the possibilities and best practices when working with units within the NOMAD infrastructure.

Available unit names

The available unit names are controlled by the nomad/units/defaults_en.txt file. This is a plain text file that is internally read by the Pint library that we use for unit transformations in the NOMAD Python backend. These definitions and the associated conversion factors are then used always when transforming between two units in the NOMAD platform. Our graphical user interface also performs unit conversions in Javascript, and the same definitions and conversion factors are translated to the frontend through an environment config file (env.js).

It is possible to add new units in this file to make them available both in the Python and in the Javascript environment. You can read more on how units are defined here.

All units support the use of SI-prefixes. This means that if the unit meter has been defined, you are able to then automatically use kilometers, centimeters, millimeters, etc.

Defining units for storing data

From a practical point of view, there needs to be single choice for the unit in which the data is stored on hard disks, databases or in search engines. This choice is controlled by the unit attribute of a Quantity:

from nomad.metainfo import Quantity

my_energies = Quantity(

The data will always be stored in this unit and will be returned in this unit when using e.g. the API.

Using units in Python

When creating custom schemas or parsers in the NOMAD framework, it is important to use the same unit definitions and conversion factors throughout. You should never define custom unit conversion routines of factors, but instead use the nomad.units package. This is important to ensure the interoperability of data.

Here is an example of how you could work with units in Python:

import numpy as np
from nomad.units import ureg  # Always import from here, never use another registry!

from nomad.metainfo import MSection, Quantity

# Here is a section with a quantity definition
class MySection(MSection):
    my_energies = Quantity(

my_section = MySection()

# If we assign a plain number array to a quantity, it is assumed to be given in
# the units defined in the Quantity
energies = np.array([1, 1])
my_section.my_energies = energies
print(my_section.my_energies)  # [1 1] electron_volt

# We can make a plain number array into a Pint Quantity by multiplying with
# a unit
energies_with_unit = energies * ureg('hartree')

# All numpy operations still work as normal, but the unit information is always
# stored alongside
energies_with_unit *= 10

# If you now assign this data into a NOMAD Quantity, the unit conversion is done
# automatically
my_section.my_energies = energies_with_unit
print(my_section.my_energies)  # [272.11386245988473 272.11386245988473] electron_volt

Defining units for displaying data

When data is being displayed by the GUI, the unit can be choosen independently from the unit used in storing the data. There are several reasons for doing this:

  • Maybe the unit is stored in SI units for consistency, but when viewing the data you want to view it in some more field-specific units
  • Maybe the unit is stored in some field specific units, but when demonstrating your work you wish to use more standardized units.
  • Maybe due to your background, you are more familiar with a specific unit, and viewing the data in this unit helps you to understand it better. E.g. a physicist might be familiar with working with electron volts, whereas a chemist might prefer kilocalorie per mole.

Currently the display unit is controlled through the ELN annotation, like this:

distance = Quantity(