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How to write a normalizer

A normalizer takes the archive of an entry as input and manipulates (usually expands) the given archive. This way, a normalizer can add additional sections and quantities based on the information already available in the archive. All normalizers are executed in the order determined by their level after parsing, but the normalizer may decide to not do anything based on the entry contents.

This documentation shows you how to write a plugin entry point for a normaliser. You should read the documentation on getting started with plugins to have a basic understanding of how plugins and plugin entry points work in the NOMAD ecosystem.

Getting started

You can use our template repository to create an initial structure for a plugin containing a normalizer. The relevant part of the repository layout will look something like this:

   ├── src
   │   ├── nomad_example
   │   │   ├── normalizers
   │   │   │   ├──
   │   │   │   ├──
   ├── LICENSE.txt
   └── pyproject.toml

See the documentation on plugin development guidelines for more details on the best development practices for plugins, including linting, testing and documenting.

Normalizer entry point

The entry point defines basic information about your normalizer and is used to automatically load the normalizer code into a NOMAD distribution. It is an instance of a NormalizerEntryPoint or its subclass and it contains a load method which returns a nomad.normalizing.Normalizer instance that will perform the actual normalization. You will learn more about the Normalizer class in the next sections. The entry point should be defined in */normalizers/ like this:

from pydantic import Field
from nomad.config.models.plugins import NormalizerEntryPoint

class MyNormalizerEntryPoint(NormalizerEntryPoint):

    def load(self):
        from nomad_example.normalizers.mynormalizer import MyNormalizer

        return MyNormalizer(**self.dict())

mynormalizer = MyNormalizerEntryPoint(
    name = 'MyNormalizer',
    description = 'My custom normalizer.',

Here you can see that a new subclass of NormalizerEntryPoint was defined. In this new class you can override the load method to determine how the Normalizer class is instantiated, but you can also extend the NormalizerEntryPoint model to add new configurable parameters for this normalizer as explained here.

We also instantiate an object mynormalizer from the new subclass. This is the final entry point instance in which you specify the default parameterization and other details about the normalizer. In the reference you can see all of the available configuration options for a NormalizerEntryPoint.

The entry point instance should then be added to the [project.entry-points.'nomad.plugin'] table in pyproject.toml in order for the normalizer to be automatically detected:

mynormalizer = "nomad_example.normalizers:mynormalizer"

Normalizer class

The resource returned by a normalizer entry point must be an instance of a nomad.normalizing.Normalizer class. This normalizer definition should be contained in a separate file (e.g. */normalizer/ and could look like this:

from typing import Dict

from nomad.datamodel import EntryArchive
from nomad.normalizing import Normalizer

class MyNormalizer(Normalizer):
    def normalize(
        archive: EntryArchive,
    ) -> None:'MyNormalizer called')

The minimal requirement is that your class has a normalize function, which as input takes:

  • archive: The EntryArchive object in which the normalization results will be stored
  • logger: Logger that you can use to log normalization events into

SystemBasedNormalizer class

SystemBasedNormalizer is a special base class for normalizing systems that allows to run the normalization on all (or only the resulting) representative systems:

from nomad.normalizing import SystemBasedNormalizer
from nomad.atomutils import get_volume

class UnitCellVolumeNormalizer(SystemBasedNormalizer):
    def _normalize_system(self, system, is_representative):
        system.unit_cell_volume = get_volume(system.lattice_vectors.magnitude)

For SystemBasedNormalizer, we implement the _normalize_system method. The parameter is_representative will be true for the representative systems. The representative system refers to the system that corresponds to the calculation result. It is determined by scanning the archive sections starting with workflow2 until the system fitting the criterion is found. For example, it refers to the final step in a geometry optimization or other workflow.

Of course, if you add new information to the archive, this also needs to be defined in the schema (see How-to extend the schema). For example you could extend the section system with a special system definition that extends the existing section system definition:

import numpy as np
from nomad.datamodel.metainfo import runschema
from nomad.metainfo import Section, Quantity

class UnitCellVolumeSystem(runschema.system.System):
    m_def = Section(extends_base_section=True)
    unit_cell_volume = Quantity(np.dtype(np.float64), unit='m^3')

Here, we used the schema definition for the run section defined in this plugin.

Control normalizer execution order

NormalizerEntryPoints have an attribute level, which you can use to control their execution order. Normalizers are executed in order from lowest level to highest level. The default level for normalizers is 0, but this can be changed per installation using nomad.yaml:

        level: 1
        level: 2

Running the normalizer

If you have the plugin package and nomad-lab installed in your Python environment, you can run the normalization as a part of the parsing process using the NOMAD CLI:

nomad parse <filepath> --show-archive

The output will return the final archive in JSON format.

Normalization can also be run within a python script (or Jupyter notebook), e.g., to facilate debugging, with the following code:

from nomad.datamodel import EntryArchive
from nomad_example.normalizers.mynormalizer import MyNormalizer
import logging

p = MyNormalizer()
a = EntryArchive()
p.normalize(a, logger=logging.getLogger())


Normalizers developed by FAIRmat

The following is a list of plugins containing normalizers developed by FAIRmat:

Normalizer class Path/Project url

To refine an existing normalizer, you should install it via the nomad-lab package:

pip install nomad-lab

Clone the normalizer project:

git clone <normalizer-project-url>
cd <normalizer-dir>

Either remove the installed normalizer and pip install the cloned version:

rm -rf <path-to-your-python-env>/lib/python3.9/site-packages/<normalizer-module-name>
pip install -e .

Or set PYTHONPATH so that the cloned code takes precedence over the installed code:

PYTHONPATH=. nomad parse <path-to-example-file>

Alternatively, you can also do a full developer setup of the NOMAD infrastructure and enhance the normalizer there.