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Domain-specific examples for STS / STM (scanning tunneling spectroscopy / microscopy)

Build upon your understanding of NOMAD's features with domain-specific examples and explanations.

Contextualization for the technique and the scientific domain

A variety of file formats (coming technology instrumens) are used in the research field of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) to investigate topological propertise of surface of subjected material. The pynxtools-stm plugin (note: The single plugin handles both STM as well STS techniques) of the pynxtools parsing library solves the challenges of how these formats can be parsed and normalized into a common representation that increases interoperability and adds semantic expressiveness.

The pynxtools-stm provides a indispensable tool to transfor the STM as well as STS experimental data (sometime refered as raw data or machine data) to common standarized structure defined in NXsts (GitHub page) application definition build with the help of NeXus ontology (GitHub page). One of the main goals of such effort is to make the data comming from diverse sources comparable, searchable and shearable under the hood of NONAD research data management platform.

For full benefits and usages of the reader please following links:

How to upload XPS data to NOMAD

Documentation on how to upload STM / STS data sets from different sources can be found here

Supported file formats

A list of the supported file formats can be found in the pynxtools-stm documentation.